Saturday, December 18, 2010

back to you

I've been falling for people

I've been attacked by hundreds of butterflies

But it always end up the same

It always end up back to you

It always end up me putting another hope

Not on them, it's on you

Is it falling for you?

or is it failing to get rid of you?

Around you, I forget what is falling

Because you never let me fall

You always there to keep me straight

Around you, I know I can trust you

Even with no reason

Somehow I just know, I can trust you

Around you, I just know I want you

I want you to stay

Around you, I just know I fail

I fail to ignore you

One thing that I don't know

I don't know yours

I trust YOU.

As much as all the people who feel upset, me too

I felt like yelling all kind animal to them

shouting my anger to them

But, it won't change anything

Even worse, I make my self no different than them

Maybe I can't be in the front line

But I still have my pray

I still believe HE never fall asleep

I know HE is watching

I know HE never let us alone

Even just for a second

To Your hands I give it all, God

I trust YOU.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Lakukan sampai kau puas

Lakukan semua yang kau inginkan

Yang hatimu ingin perbuat

Aku gerah

Aku menepi lelah

Aku habis amarah

Menangis pun terlalu susah

Airmataku menggenang

tapi hatiku terlanjur mengeras

Karna tahu kau tak juga akan jera

apalagi terpikirkan untuk menyerah

Tak perlu lagi kau menghindar

Tak akan lagi aku menyindir keras

Karna kini semua...TERSERAH

Kini kau.... BEBAS!!