Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why I did the thing that I do lately...

You let me felt the dissapointment, let me reach the lowest point of my life where I lose trust (might as well lose hope) over lots of people, whom I respected. Especially for being the anointed one. Their words break lots of heart, break mine for sure. The fight over stupid things. The overdo justification. 
"Your surrounding might affect you" was the first reason. The second was "I had enough". So, I walked away.

Just what You always do, You knew and You interfere. Thank You for introducing me to this place where I learn bunch of new point of view. Not even once I pictured myself to be where I am right know. You put me somewhere I never imagine. A place where Your words being preached by this man 👆🏻. I owe it to him (and You of course) for being a great teacher. Funny because I already knew the Bible since baby and it suppose to be nothing new. Weird but I felt that I learn something. And even more weird, it keep on happening all over again every time I came. I learn and write (and hopefully change to a better one) a lot.

I haven't got the braveness to jump deeper, simply because I'm not ready yet. The imagination of me getting hurt again like the last time, running wild in my mind. People tend to disappoint, right?

Aside from that, thank You for interfering my mind, and showing me there is still hope. I know nothing what's in the future. I might come back, I might not. One thing I know I want, to grow closer to You. Lead the way, Lord 😎

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The day I decided that I had enough.......

The day I decided that I had enough was the day my mind crumbling apart and my heart breaking so hard. Some people just couldn’t or even wouldn’t want to understand and simply judged me as too selfish. Because they thought, I was spontaneously only thinking about myself. They thought I was too emotional.

I was, I am and I will always thinking about myself. If it’s not me who’s thinking about myself, then who else? Those who’s talking behind my back? Those who labeled me as selfish? Of course they’re not.

Let me emphasize it.

I’ve been standing and defending so hard for what I believe that somehow along the way everything will change to a better one. There are some people not as corrupt as the other people. I still believe it until now although it seems to be less possible. The problem was when I look around, I was starting to tolerate and even some people persuade me to tolerate more. Close your eyes and close your ears, that’s what they whispered to me.I can't close my eyes and my ears and let everything slip away like it's not a big thing.

I seriously want to grow to be a better human being not to grow to be a more corrupt human being because of tolerating bad things more and more.

That’s the moment of having enough with all the crap. I was so mad that I couldn’t stop crying and stressing. Some people come around and tried to calm me down. Talk so loud that we’re going to fight it all together. Clear the air so there will be no missed understood anymore. Said if I was hurt, then all of us would felt hurt together. I believe it. I was so naive that I gave it another chance.

It turned out that those just words. It was not going to become a reality. I fall for the bull, apparently. I was mad to myself for letting them ruin my hope.

For those who labeled me as selfish, please do ask yourself. Did you really consider the pain that I’ve been through and I share with you along with my tears? Did all the sharing is caring that you’ve been yelling about in my ears really meant something? Because even until the last day, I was standing alone.

Just to be honest, I never regret my decision. Not even once. Truthfully, I miss my fireworks. But now, I’m happier and lighter.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Aku terlalu mudah luluh dengan yang namanya ramah. Bagiku, keramahan manusia tak dikenal kepada manusia tak dikenal lainnya adalah luar biasa.
Kamu adalah luar biasa bagiku ketika pertama kali bertemu mata. Mungkin bahkan keramahan kamu lah yang membuat aku mendongak dan meneliti lebih dalam. Meneliti lebih dalam tapi bukan menaruh rasa lebih dalam. Tapi dasar aku, lupa memasang gembok pengaman, tak cukup memasang pertahanan. Aku terus bertanya kapan tepatnya kamu menyusup masuk karena aku tak langsung sadar. Tiba-tiba saja kamu sudah berkeliaran dengan leluasa, menetap tenang dalam diam.
Semua tampak sudah terlambat ketika aku mulai terbiasa merasakan kamu ada. Iya, aku terbiasa. Dan perlahan hati mengijinkan aku jatuh cinta pada kamu.
Jatuh cinta yang bagiku terlalu mengada-ada. Kamu dan aku bagaikan langit dan bumi, minyak dan air yang tidak akan pernah jadi satu. Seperti pungguk merindukan bulan, mungkin.
Di mataku, kamu luar biasa manusia. Melihat kamu, aku tidak pernah menggila buta. Kamu punya dua sisi yang selalu mengingatkan aku kalau kamu masih manusia.

Tapi kamu tetap tak bisa aku jangkau. Terlalu jauh.

(aku) berhenti

Normal nya aku mudah terpengaruh. Biasa nya aku akan mudah tergoda. Sedikit saja bujuk rayu mampu membuat aku meluluh. Hari ini aku sedang tidak normal, sedang di titik luar biasa. Hari ini aku berkenalan dengan aku yang mempertahankan prinsip yang dipercaya. Bertubi-tubi mereka pinta aku berhenti. Berhenti meyakini apapun itu yang aku percaya. Aku bergeming, sedang tak mau berbelas. Atau memang setinggi itu keyakinan yang sedang aku pegang. Apapun itu, aku terlalu bulat hati. Aku sudah di ujung toleransi. Aku harus meletakkan titik dan berhenti. Sudah waktunya aku pergi.
Aku bukan nya menyerah. Aku hanya tahu kapan merasa cukup sudah. Cukup sudah aku mengijinkan mereka menghancurkan seisi hati yang di mata mereka tampak sangat naif. Cukup sudah aku mengijinkan mereka berdiri pongah di atas apa yang aku percayai. Cukup sudah aku mendengarkan semua janji yang tanpa realisasi.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My Prayer

Lord, I pray for a man that will be a part of my life
A man that really loves You MORE than everything
A man that will put me in the SECOND PLACE of his heart
A man that lives NOT for himself but for YOU

The most important is
I want a heart that really LOVES and THIRSTY of YOU
and has a desire to be like JESUS
And he must know for WHOM and for WHAT he lives
so his life ISN'T useless
Someone that has a WISE heart, not only a smart brain
A man that not only loves me but also RESPECT me
A man that not only adores me but can warn me when I’m wrong
A man that loves me not because my beauty but my heart
A man that can be my BEST FRIEND in everytime and situation
A man that can make me feel like a WOMAN when I’m beside him
But I ask for imperfect man
so I can make him PERFECT in Your eyes
A man that needs my support for his strength
A man that needs my prayers for his life
A man that needs my smile to cover his sadness
A man that needs my love so he feels being loved
A man that need me to make his life beautiful
And I also ask
make me to be a woman that can make him proud
Give me a heart that really loves You
so I can love him with YOUR LOVE and not love him only with my love
Give me Your gentle spirit
so my beauty not come from my outside but come from You
Give me Your hands
so i am always able to pray for him
Give me Your eyes
so I could see many good thing in him and not the bad one
Give me your mouth that filled with Your words of wisdom and encouragement
so I can support him everyday
Give me Your lips
so I will smile at him every morning
And I want that finally we meet,
both of us can say,"How great Thou art!"
That You give me someone that can make my life perfect
I know that You want us to meet at the RIGHT TIME
And You will make everything beautiful in Your time


Ps : taken from someone's path