Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I refuse to be like YOU!!


I've reached the point that I can't stand anymore

I've reached the point of giving up

I've reached the point that I just so damn mad

When I'm so mad...

When I can't stand...

I tend to give up

When I'm so mad,

I can't do anything other than cry

I'll stupidly drop my tears

When I extremely can't stand,

suddenly my sense fly back to my brain

and I can think clearly

When people around me, like YOU, start to act like a jerk

or a pathetic spoil brat,

It doesn't mean that I have to be a jerk too

I refuse to be a jerk!!!

I refuse to be just like YOU!!

So rather than mocking YOU,

I choose to ignore YOU

"Do whatever you want to do,brat.I just don't care"

Ps : Pardon my language

Saturday, September 25, 2010

crazily babbling!!

It's hard to say I ain't giving my best

For I don't have the chance

to just throw you all that I can

I keep on yelling at myself

"don't just give up!!"


Part of me don't want to give up

The other part seems to be out of strength

Part of me want to keep on believing

The other part start to run out of reasons

reasons for everything that you've done

Part of me do still believe in you

The other part seems to....give up


You'd probably say I don't understand

Then..make me understand!

You'd probably say I ask too much

Then..don't give me all your shitty hope!

You'd probably say you don't need me

Then..what more can I say

It's all in you that make me fall in love

And, it's all in you, too..that make me out of love

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sepenggal masa kecilku.......

Aku terbangun di antara deretan lemari dan sofa.
Ah, aku ingat...aku di rumah Ompung di kampung
Tidak lama terdengar suara berat merdu Ompung doli,
"Oooiiii, bangun..Ayo sarapan.Nanti keburu dingin panungkup nya!"
Itulah sapaan khas Ompung setiapp pagi
Aku lari turun ke bawah, sebelum jatah sarapan ku dihabiskan
Ompung doli duduk manis menghabiskan sarapan
Kadangkala sambil memangku cucu-cucu kecilnya
Sementara Ompung boru bolak balik,
hanya untuk memastikan semua cucu dapat panungkup dan segelas susu hangat
Kadangkala juga meladeni cucu nya yg ingin bergelayut manja.

Itu tadi cuma secuil dari kenangan
Tapi aku yakin tidak akan pernah lupa
Aku tidak pernah suka panungkup,
tapi sarapan panungkup sama Ompung selalu menyenangkan
Aku suka melihat ompung di antara cucu-cucu nya
Aku senang melihat senyum ompung yang tidak pernah habis stok
Cinta yang akan selalu ada, sebanyak apapun cucu nya
Cinta yang tak kenal lelah, asal cucu nya bahagia
Cinta yang tak tahu pilih kasih, semua rata
Terimakasih, Ompung, untuk cinta nya

Katanya, doa anak untuk orang tuanya selalu didengar,
berarti...doa cucu untuk ompung nya pasti lebih didengar lagi...
"Tuhan, tolong sampaikan sejuta sayangku untuk Ompung.
Jaga ompung agar selalu bahagia.
Dimana pun dan kapanpun, aku ingin mereka bahagia"

Note : Ompung Doli = Kakek, Ompung Boru = Nenek, panungkup = panekuk/semacam pancake khas tapanuli

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


When someone gave you tears,

the best thing you can give back is your smile.

The most bitter thing you can give back is your forgiveness.

They don't deserve any of your revenge.

Not even the slightest thought.

So don't waste your time on them.

They're way too..



When I'm in a dilemma,

I wish I could kill one idea and stick with just one thought

I wish I could please everyone including me

But sometimes, I just can't

Sometimes, my thought scream even louder

And it's aching a lot

But still, I have to choose

When nobody can't understand any of my choice

I just wish God do

I wish He knows how it shattered me

I wish He choose not to give up on me

I wish He always be the one,who I could hold on to