Thursday, May 18, 2017

Taken for granted

Have you ever been taken for granted by some people? Too far from being appreciated? Treated bad? And you find yourself hating that person?
Relax, ain't going to ask you not to hate. Happen to me and I still learn not to hate. Slightly improve or I think so.
Being taken for granted, unappreciated and treated bad taught me something. I learn to appreciate more of those who treat me right. I learn not to take anything for granted. Any single simple thing.
Don't get me wrong, my first and second ever life lesson, I got from being appreciated by those who actually don't have any obligation to appreciate me. They treat me so right that I keep on asking what have I done so good to deserve those treatment. I'm in a lifetime debt with both of them.
I, myself, am strictly-a-bit-sensitive-close-to-hyperly-baper kind of lady. So for me, a little appreciation takes a huge part of my heart. Fiuh, you don't know what you've truly done. I adore you!
Those who can't do as little as appreciation, I felt sorry that one day you just have to learn to suck up all the regret.
I don't mind being the unimportant one. I'm used to being the last to put into consideration. I'm spotlight-less, and I'm fine. But don't ever come to ask for my attention and wish that I'll put you as priority. Never, fool

Monday, May 8, 2017


With You, there will be no logic explanation behind all the comfort.
Or perhaps it's just me who can't explain.
With You, it's always personal and I don't mind if people don't get it.

So many things that I stubbornly want to do despite the fact that You said don't
You knew sometimes I had to do something just because I'm the type who rather try and fail than sit still and live in "what if" phase for the rest of my life.
You understand.
Not once You said "I told you so"
Not even when I cried and admitted my stubbornness

A lil tap on my back and a whispering breeze of it's going to be okay are Your sign.
To embrace and stay quiet by my side are Your cue.
With You, it's always me complaining and You calming
The world and its human will always be tricky but to know that You're with me, it ease me a lot.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

I'm out

Being in a long relationship with you made me close my eyes from everything that you did.
Even when you hurt me once or twice, I thought there's still something good inside of you.
"I just need to close my eyes one more time"
I said to myself, countless times.
While praying hard that you'll change.
In between tolerating you or loosing you
And I choose the first.
I always be the one who tried to find an excuse for you
Loosing you wouldn't be easy and moving on was just too difficult
because I've spent half of my life with you
Not until the moment you accidentally said I meant nothing. For you.
Then I realized I've put myself too low for the sake of you. My bad.
And that's it.
I'm out.