Thursday, February 22, 2018

Battling the reality

Don’t try, not even once to belittle one’s difficulties and saying it’s easier compare to yours. Each of us has our own battle to fight. Each of us will at least once reach our low point. Saying your battle is harder than others? Shame on you.

Life itself already exhausted to some people when reality hits hard.

Doing everything the best that they can, but at the end they have to face reality that their best will never be enough. Their best just won’t do.
Not taking anything for granted but at the end they realize they are the one that’ve been taken for granted.

When these hit, they just wish somehow someone will stand for them, simply to remind them. They have done great.
When these hit, despite the calmness they've shown, they wish at least one somehow notice they're crying inside.

Because when these hit, they tend to forget that it’s ok to fall.
Because when these hit, they tend to forget that they’re not everyone’s cup of tea and it’s ok.
Because when these hit, they tend to put themselves as the worst despite all the good things that they’ve done.
Because when these hit, they need to be reminded that everything is going to be ok.

Otherwise what’s left will only be regret.

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