Tuesday, May 22, 2018

She impossibly hate you

She told you her scariest secret,
she adores you.
You treated her right, at the time when she even doubt herself
Despite how tough she can be sometimes
Despite how defensive she can be most of the times
Despite how she put no room for being vulnerable all the time

You came, you tirelessly remind her how she isn't nothing
You protect her and scold anyone who forget that she's still human after all.
You left too many kind things that she didn't even know if she deserve those
You touched her heart so much that she will forever thank you.

She already prepared for the worst.
On the edge between keeping everything as it is or kicking everything out,
You choose the first and you proved her wrong.
Nothing change. Not as dramatic as she thought before.
Then how could she hate you even for saying no?
She couldn’t and she wouldn’t.
She impossibly hate you.
She'll  always root for you. From afar. No matter what.
You are forever special for her.

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