I'm blessed. And I would considered stupid if I can't admit it.
But you, you don't have the tiniest bit of right to say I walk through an easy path.
But you, you don't have the tiniest bit of right to say I walk through an easy path.
You don't even know an inch of what I've been struggling inside.
You don't even have the clue of my lowest days.
I try not to judge you and your life.
I hold myself from saying your life is too easy.
Because I know everyone have their own battle, including you.
My life is not as easy as I showed people.
My life is not as easy as I showed people.
It's just I trust so little when it comes to sharing my whole story.
But when I said I'm blessed I mean it.
I'm blessed with both the joy and the pain, the tears and the laughters.
Without one of those, I won't learn anything.
Without the pain, I won't appreciate the joy.
Without the tears, I will take the laughters for granted.
Without you, I won't appreciate those who actually appreciate me.
Let me tell you this, stop breaking other people's heart with your judgment, your words.
Let me tell you this, stop breaking other people's heart with your judgment, your words.
Stop wasting your time saying I didn't mean to hurt you, yet you stab deeply with your words.
You don't know how much your word hurt others so get a life, dude!